What is coaching?

“Coaching is an art and it's far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide an answer, or unleash a solution. Giving another person the opportunity to find their own way, make their own mistakes, and create their own wisdom is both brave and vulnerable." - Brené Brown

Coaching offers a structured space for you to explore your thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, feelings, and emotions around the topic of your choice.


In my sessions, this structure starts with three questions:

What would you like to talk about today?

What would you like at the end of the session that you don't have now?

How will we know when we get there?

And then, we have a conversation.  It's really that simple!

 The coaching structure outlined above allows my coaching sessions to have a definite result; you are always leaving with something you didn't have at the start of our sessions together.

For my clients, this is usually a new awareness:  this can come in the form of a "mind-blown" moment that they need to process, a truth about their beliefs (which can be a little disarming or scary), a realization that repressed grief or anger is holding them back, new consciousness around unsupportive thought patterns, etc. 

Goals and intentions come forward after this awareness is created.  This is usually the easy part - once you see what is getting in your way, goal-setting is easy-peasy!


As my client, I ask that you come to your sessions prepared:  have a topic to be coached on.

You may not always know what you want at the end of the session (clients rarely do), but, this is where coaching comes in.  We will explore to see what is holding you back.

For example, if you want to make healthier choices in your life, I will coach you on what is holding you back from doing that on your own.  What requires the help of a coach? There may be an underlying belief, unhelpful thought pattern, or emotion hiding underneath that you were not aware of.

In your sessions, I will invite you to be curious and ready to think, feel, and do the hard work.  I invite you to be honest and have a willingness to be vulnerable.  This makes for a rich, deep conversation and allows for lots of room for awareness and growth. (see About You for more on the type of client I work with)

Being coached can be tiring, as you will be invited to think about things in new ways. Thinking is hard, but thinking about things differently is sooo much harder.  I always keep this in mind when coaching:  while my sessions are 45 minutes in length, I find that the "sweet spot" is 35-40 minutes for most clients before that "stick a fork in me I'm done" feeling arises. That said, it may take a few sessions for us to get to know each other, for you fully understand the coaching process, and for you to feel safe to do this difficult thinking and processing in my presence.


The biggest difference is that we don’t give advice.

We don’t tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat. We also do not suggest what labs or tests you should get or interpret those labs.

If you come to a session wanting specific information or advice, I will invite you to call your doctor or nutritionist (or check out Google). 



In coaching we may look at past grief and trauma, but: it will always be in relation to your life now, and how you want to be moving forward. We also don’t address clinical concerns (e.g. depression, emotional trauma, PTSD, etc).   These serious conditions are best left to licensed therapists.

If you come to a session and I sense that there may be a need to work deeper into past trauma, I will invite you to seek the help of a licensed therapist.


You don’t need someone to tell you what to do and how to reach your goals.  That’s what friends and family are for, lol!

I say that laughingly, but tell me:  How many times have you confided in a friend, only to have them start throwing advice at you or start talking about *their* own issues and problems? When friends do this it can result in you feeling unheard and perhaps cause you to shut down.

As your coach, I am not your friend. Coaches tell it as they see it while also holding a safe, non-judgmental space for you to explore what’s going on. Coaches will ask deep questions to make you think.  These questions may at times make you uncomfortable, but usually, this is where change occurs.



As your coach, I am here to listen to you and support you.

I will challenge you and help you understand what your motivation is to move forward.

will help you untangle the web of confusion, frustration, and overwhelm if that is what you are experiencing.

 I will help you learn skills to use in any part of your life, be it your health, career, or personal relationships.

I will help create awareness and clarity which gives you that space to move forward – or not.  Sometimes staying put is what we need, and that’s ok too.

I will help find ways for you to hold yourself accountable for your actions and the goals you set for yourself.

I will help you uncover answers and find the best path that works for you.

In short, I will help you get out of your head and see beliefs, emotions, and thought patterns more clearly, which will help you understand who you are, where you are, what you desire, and how to figure out how to get to that desired state of being.

This type of transformational coaching helps you not just in one part of your life; all parts of your life will be improved as a result of our work together.

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Sandy's Training and Certifications 

  • International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
  • Genco Method Neurolinguistic Programming and Polyvagal Theory Applications to Coaching Level 1
  • Holistic Coach Training Insitute Level 2 Advanced PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Training
  • Narrative Enneagram Instincts and Subtypes Training
  • Kresser Institute ADAPT Functional Medicine Health Coach (A-CFHC)

To read more about Sandy, please visit this page.


“Sandy brings a higher level of compassion and empathy to her services because she's suffered through the low points of poor health. She understands the emotional and mental toll that autoimmune disease can take on a person.” - Tamra Westberry, Co-Founder Hashimoto’s 411

“Sandy has an amazing gift as a listener, healer, and coach. She provided me with tools and techniques that allowed me to get to the heart of what I truly needed to thrive. Working with her opened up a new and empowering avenue to how I viewed and approached my life and health.”   - Luanne Sawatzky, homeschooling mom

“Sandy is not only a brilliant, compassionate, deeply engaging, and skilled coach, but her knowledge and expertise of Hashimoto’s is also vastly comprehensive. She understands the mental, emotional, and lifestyle side of Hashimoto’s and how it can affect women’s overall health, wellness, and quality of life.”  - Kelli Saginak, EdD, A-CFHC, NBC-HWC

“Sandy is not only insightful, thoughtful, and supportive but she also has a wonderful sense of humor.  I would absolutely recommend Sandy to anyone who is struggling with Hashimoto's and looking for a way forward where you feel heard and cared for.” - Will Welch, Board-Certified Health and Leadership Coach

“Coaching isn’t about finding someone who will tell you what to do. However, if you are looking for a compassionate, clear-headed, inspirational partner in your journey of self-discovery, whose talent lies in helping reflect your best self back to you as you find your path to freedom and self-acceptance, then you are absolutely in the right place!”  – Kristina M., professional musician, Luxembourg

“As a highly sensitive being, Sandy brings compassion, love, and gentleness to her coaching sessions along with the strength to stand by the client. Sandy will listen to you with a depth of a musician and the heart of a lover. If you are looking to be understood, cared for, and transformed, Sandy is your coach.” - Tijen Genco, MCC, NBC-HWC

Read more of what others are saying about Sandy!


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1-on-1 coaching

Want to dive deep? Let's talk. I offer a complimentary assessment/session to all prospective clients.


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Self-led Course

Join me in my 6 module self-led online course Reimagining Hashimoto's.

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