Conversations With Sandy

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Eileen Laird: Healing Mindset

Eileen Laird of the Phoenix Helix website and podcast (2 million+ downloads) has a lot to say about mindset when it comes to healing.  We talked about her new book, Healing Mindset: A Guide to the Mind-Body Connection for People with Autoimmune Disease. Some topics we covered:  Grief, emotions, meditation and mindfulness, the myth the "mindset can cure everything", being in touch with your physical body, and much more.  This was a beautiful conversation and so insightful, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Eileen's book, Healing Mindset: A Guide to the Mind-Body Connection for People with Autoimmune Disease

Eileen's Website: Phoenix Helix

RAIN Meditation

The study Eileen refers to (how stress management can reduce antibodies)


Carrie Baquié: Empowered Advocate

Advocating for one's health Part Two!  Carrie has a crazy wild story regarding brain injury, Lyme disease, and CIRS (mold issues) and yet, AND YET, she's come through it all a stronger person whose work focuses on empowering others to be advocates for their own health journeys.

Carrie's Facebook group:  Women Transforming Chronic Illness.


Empath Mama: Advocating for your health and your children's health

Advocating for one's health can be exhausting, especially if you have chronic illness or autoimmune issues - and perhaps doubly so if you are a highly sensitive person or an empath!  Heather Nardi (aka Empath Mama) and I discussed what it means to be highly sensitive, how important it is to speak up for your and your family's health at the doctor's office, and why listening to your intuition is so very important when it comes to your health and well-being.

Heather's book "The Sensitive Ones" can be found here.

Self-tests to see if you are highly sensitive can be found here.

You can find Heather at and on Instagram and Facebook.


Dr. Katy Peplin: Mindset

Endometriosis, chronic pain, a chance diagnosis, dealing with misleading medical information, grief, loss, being human while also being a scholar, the importance of meditation and breathwork, and cats.  Yes, we talked about a lot in this conversation!  Here are the resources Katy mentions at the end of the call:  

Book: Beating Endo

Book: When Perfect Isn't Good Enough

Breathwork exercises

A beautiful post on letting go of the life you thought you were supposed to have

You can find Katy at and on Instagram @thrivephd


Lauren Kim Angélil: Diabetes

Lauren is a registered physiotherapist and health coach and has helped many clients achieve remission from diabetes. During this conversation, we discussed what exactly diabetes is, tests to get to confirm or rule out diabetes, common myths and conceptions around this disease, and much more.  Lauren also apparently has a penchant for puppies and "wild swimming", both of which I just had to ask her about!

Download Lauren's free recipe book here.


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