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Articles and Resources

Musings on autoimmune disease, life, coaching, and self-empowerment.

Sleep: The Reason Why We're All A Mess (and what to do to help!) Feb 24, 2021

Sleep.  You elusive mistress.  Why must you torture and tease us so?

(this is just one thought that goes through my head when lying awake in bed trying to get to sleep.... be grateful I...

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Self-Care. WTF is it? Jun 19, 2020

Self-care. If there's one thing you should do during the pandemic, it's to figure out your self-care routine.

People are realizing the need for self-care during this uncertain time in our world....

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20 Tips for Starting the AIP Jan 01, 2019

20 tips for starting the AIP! I often hear the question "how do I start the AIP (Auto-Immune Protocol)?" Dramatically changing up your diet and lifestyle can be daunting, that's for sure. So, as...

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