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Articles and Resources

Musings on autoimmune disease, life, coaching, and self-empowerment.

Our "Default Patterns" and Stress Jul 02, 2023

I'm thinking about patterns today.

No, not sewing patterns - although that makes an excellent metaphor, and for those of you who have worked with me, I do love a good metaphor in my coaching...

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Word of the Year 2023 - What's Yours? Dec 21, 2022

Greetings Friends,

Do you have a "Word of the Year" for 2023?  Many of my clients have one.  They often bring up their "word" in our sessions together (at any time of the year).


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Change: Why it's so hard, what to do about it. Jan 14, 2022

Change. Why is it SO HARD to change, even though that change may be good for us?  (insert whiney voice here)

It’s that time of year again, where many people make resolutions. ...

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Sleep: The Reason Why We're All A Mess (and what to do to help!) Feb 24, 2021

Sleep.  You elusive mistress.  Why must you torture and tease us so?

(this is just one thought that goes through my head when lying awake in bed trying to get to sleep.... be grateful I...

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