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Herxing - what is it?

aip diet gluten Feb 06, 2022

Herxing: Have you recently changed your diet and are feeling *worse*, not better? Your body is probably detoxing - also called "Herxing", short for Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction.  This is also sometimes called a "healing crisis" or "die-off" (of parasites or bad bacteria from candida, SIBO, etc).

What exactly is happening? Why am I feeling worse, not better?

Herxing occurs when toxins from injured or dead bacteria are released into our blood and tissues too quickly.  Our bodies can't keep up with the detox from this sudden onslaught of toxins and this can result in symptoms such as:

  • headaches
  • bloating
  • nausea
  • chills
  • sore throat
  • fever
  • fatigue
  • joint/muscle pain
  • etc etc etc

This is a very partial list of symptoms, YMMV (your mileage may vary)!  Some people feel irritable or brain foggy. Sometimes herxing feels like the flu.  You may have super intense sugar/carb cravings.

No matter which symptoms you experience, it's not fun (speaking from experience here).

How to avoid Herxing

The easiest way to avoid major Herx reactions is to go slow with any dietary changes or detox protocols.

If you are eating a SAD (Standard American Diet) with lots of processed foods and sugar, then suddenly eliminate all of those "foods" - your body is going to be pretty shocked and will let you know about it.

If you try to do a detox on top of changing your diet (like adding in supplements to kill off candida or parasites) - you can probably assume you'll feel like crap for a while.

Many of us are feeling so poorly we are desperate for a quick fix or magic pill - and that simply does not exist.  Healing takes time.

Avoiding all reactions may not be possible - but here are a few more tips to help the process:

  • Go slow with changes to your diet.  Instead of going all-in when starting the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol), start slow:  First, eliminate gluten. Then all processed foods.  Then all grains.  More tips here on starting the AIP.
  • Limit your exposure to toxins.  Avoid smoke, alcohol, chemicals, and processed foods if at all possible.  Putting less strain on your body at this time is key as to not overburden it.
  • Get plenty of sleep.  Your body is working hard! Honor it with lots of rest.
  • Go easy on the exercise.  Exercise is a stressor.  Your body may be stressed enough with changing up your diet.  Be gentle. Don't push yourself if it doesn't feel right.
  • Keep those bowels moving!  Toxins are eliminated through our waste.  If you are not having a bowel movement every day, work on this stat.  Get that gut motility going.  If the body isn't eliminating properly it may re-absorb all of those toxins you're working so hard to get rid of.  Speak with your doctor if you are having issues eliminating waste.
  • Drink plenty of water.  This will help the detox process by supporting your liver and kidneys which are your body's filtration system.
How long will I feel bad from Herxing?

Feeling worse before feeling better seems so wrong, but remember:  there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  It may take a few days or weeks (or sometimes months, depending on your individual health status) of being in that tunnel, but it will be worth it.

As always, work with your doctor or nutritionist when embarking on any major changes when it comes to your diet and/or lifestyle.

Sandy Swanson is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (PCC), and an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC). Click the button below to learn more about the services she offers.

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