What's your "six word story"?
Apr 17, 2024"For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."
The above is an example of a "six-word story" (sometimes attributed to Earnest Hemingway, but the jury's out as to whether or not that's true).
What comes up for you as you read it?
The mind may go to several scenarios, none of them cheery (thanks Debbie Downer!).
Amazing how much emotion can be rolled into six little words.
The challenge of writing such a short story is to make the reader pause and reflect. Maybe to laugh or cry. To elicit emotion without going into long elaborate stories.
This is something coaches are pretty good at; inviting our clients to think about the meaning and emotion underneath whatever story they have going on in their heads.
Here's a six-word story that a client shared with me this morning:
"Old roads, new map. I'm lost."
At times in my life, I know I related to that one. Lots of changes happening both internally and externally. Not knowing which way to go or grow.
Thank goodness for my coaches for supporting me during those times.
I'll be thinking about my own six-word story today, and I invite you to do the same.
Here are a few more examples to get your creative juices flowing, and let me know what you come up with!
Sandy Swanson is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (PCC), and an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC). Click the button below to learn more about the services she offers.
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