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Your history doesn't define you - it *informs* you.

Sep 30, 2023

In what way do you let your personal history define you?  Do you have a story (or two or three) that you let run your life? Stories like:

- I’m not worthy because in the past…

- I can’t do that because….

- I’ll never be…

- I’ll always be…..

What does it look like to instead ask how it can *inform* you? For example:

- In the past, that thing really did happen, and I learned ______ because of it.  I am now choosing to do ABC instead of XYZ.

I often think of my time in music school with a verbally/emotionally abusive professor.

I was allowing that time to define me for some time:  “My playing suffered because of that man.  I can't pursue a career in music because of the abuse.”

Sometimes we have been on one journey for so long that we can't see anything but the straight path behind us and in front of us - we fail to look at the other trails that maybe aren't so obvious.

Regarding my time in music school, now I think: “My time in music school has made me aware of my own language use and how I process - or don’t process emotions.  Am I affecting others because of my word choices?  Am I pushing my own anger/sadness/frustration on others like that professor did..?”

Choosing to learn from one’s past can be hard, especially if there is deep trauma. 

Seeing your history from a different perspective is the key to moving forward from living that story over and over again.

Some questions to ask yourself about your history:

What have I learned from this?

What do I want to leave behind?

What, if anything, do I want to take forward?

What will support me now?

If you would like support around moving forward from *your* history, let’s see if we are a good fit.   Visit this link to learn more and to join my waitlist:

Sandy Swanson is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (PCC), and an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC). Click the button below to learn more about the services she offers.

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