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Getting Unstuck #1: Get in touch with your body

physical well-being self-coaching struggle stuck Apr 05, 2024

 In the coming days and weeks, I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks to help you get unstuck - no matter the circumstances of your stuck-ness.

This is the second in a series - if you missed the previous post, click here.

Here's the first tip:

Get in touch with your body.

Stop for a moment and check in. Where are you holding tension right now? Some common places we hold tension are:

the jaw
the neck
the gut

Or there might be pain somewhere, like a headache, backache, eyestrain/pain, etc.

I invite you to notice this pain or tension. Relax into it.

Getting in touch with your body is a brilliant way of not only teaching yourself how to relax but also helps you to be present.

And becoming present creates S P A C E. And within that space there is an opportunity to see what is needed.

So: what is that physical symptom telling you that you need? Don’t overthink this!

SOMEthing usually comes up, like:

I need to rest

I need to let go of [XYZ]

I need to get outside

I need to exercise

I need a good cry (this happens often in real time during my coaching sessions!)

Once that need is met, some things might clear up. You might not get completely unstuck, but there is usually a shift that takes place or a relaxing that happens.

The pic of me is when I just woke up from a nap. I was working and feeling stuck.
I checked in and realized I was freaking exhausted. I needed rest, so closed my eyes for a few minutes before getting back to my computer.

You're not seeing the "before" photo, but trust me: what a difference a few minutes of rest make!

(and my hair always looks better after I sleep on it lol)

One thing to note:

Getting in touch with the physical body might be really REALLY hard for some people.

I invite you to be super gentle, and practice this technique with “nonjudgemental curiosity”, and let me know how it goes!


Sandy Swanson is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (PCC), and an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC). Click the button below to learn more about the services she offers.

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